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How it works

Qapsula is an interactive support system available on iOS, Android and the web. The system consists of various blocks aimed to increase the effectiveness of prevention and treatment of different conditions.

Smart algorithms

These are programs which were created on the basis of the largest scientific researches and clinical recommendations for treatment and prevention of more than 60 different diseases. Algorithms are made by experienced practicing doctors and scientists in the field of biomedicine.

The program constantly analyzes more than 100 different parameters, including laboratory tests data, diet, physical activity, regimen etc. and suggests actions necessary to increase efficiency of the treatment.

Qapsula chat-bot

It is a multifunctional assistant, who will remind you to do periodic medical check-ups and tests, will recommend you the correct mode of physical training, tell you when you need to consult a doctor, provide you any additional information about the condition you have and the mechanisms of any drug you take.

If necessary, Bot will also help to choose a health care facility, a laboratory or a pharmacy nearby.


On the Qapsula’s platform there are more than 3000 doctors who are specialists in 85 areas. All of them are available for communication through an integrated system of chat rooms and audio / video calls.

You can stay connected with your doctor from the clinic you go to or find a new one in our base.