All that we do in life is aimed at improving the environment around us, the quality of our life. We are working to earn for a new spacious accommodation, go on a long journey for new experiences or to save some money to provide our children with better education.
However, all the above only make sense when a person can enjoy the results of his work. From all of the factors that allow us to enjoy our life and success, health is the most important. We do not think much about it when everything is in order, but when something goes wrong, all other matters become less significant.
We used to divide people into healthy or sick, which according to modern ideas of medicine is incorrect. As a rule, the disease, or complications of the disease, develop long before first symptoms appear.
Moreover, the later we begin to interfere in disease’s development, the less effective our attempts will be. To monitor your health and to be engaged in prevention is the only way that not only will prolong your life but will also improve its quality.
A famous saying goes:
One of the key problems that existed before was the inability to reliably measure the level of your health to predict the development of the disease. Even today many people treat diseases as disasters, accidental events that cannot be predicted and prevented. For some cases this is the only way out, but the absolute majority of health problems, especially chronic ones, are predictable.
Scientists and doctors around the world are conducting major studies that are aimed at identifying risk factors - those human actions that lead to the development and progression of diseases.
Identification of risk factors and their prevention procedures - actions that are aimed at preventing the development of diseases. Prevention plays a major role when you are dealing age-dependent conditions.
It is very important to start therapy on time, follow the doctor's recommendations, go through regular health checkups and take medication if needed.
These are those actions that are aimed at active recovery after illness and prevention of recurrence (recurrent disease or its complications).
Individual diagnostic plan, compiled on the basis of the largest scientific research around the world. System of reminders. Prophylaxis of age-associated diseases - the Qapsula Longevity project
More than 3000 doctors in 85 specializations from the largest clinical centers. An individual plan for effective treatment based on advanced clinical guidelines.