User Agreement
1.1 This User Agreement (hereinafter - "User Agreement", "Agreement") governs the relationship between the Administrator of the site (hereinafter - the "Site Administrator") and the User of the Site to grant the User the right to access the site ( hereinafter - "Service", "Site") and the rules for using the functionality of the Site.
1.2 This User Agreement comes into force from the moment of publication on the Site and is valid for an indefinite period or until the publication of the next edition of the Agreement.
1.3 This Agreement is accepted by the User and becomes binding on the User from the moment of registration on the site, and is valid for an unlimited period. By registering on the website you accept all the terms of the User Agreement in full without any exceptions and restrictions.
1.4 Using the Site means full and unconditional acceptance of this Agreement. If the User does not agree with this Agreement, he must leave the Site and delete his account.
1.5 This Agreement may be amended and / or supplemented by the Site Administrator unilaterally without any special notice. This Agreement is an open and public document. The current version of the Agreement is located on the Internet at If the User continues to use the Site, he confirms his agreement with the changes made to the Agreement. It is the User's personal responsibility to regularly view this page to familiarize himself with the current version of the Agreement.
1.6 The Agreement also applies to relations related to the rights and interests of third parties who are not Users of the Site, but whose rights and interests may be affected as a result of the actions of Users of the Site.
1.7 The User is obliged to fully familiarize himself with this Agreement before using the Site. Use of the Site means the full and unconditional acceptance and consent of the User with this Agreement in accordance with Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
1.8 The right to use the Site, with the exception of its Additional Site Services, is provided to the User free of charge. The right to use the Additional Site Services is considered granted at the moment of activation of the Additional Site Services by the User.
Acquisition of opportunities to use additional services of the site and their payment are not a necessary condition for the presence of the User on the site, or getting the opportunity to use the site as a whole. The rights to use the Additional services of the site are provided at the request and request of the User. Additional services of the site can be used by the User only in connection with the use of the site
Service, website - a set of web pages located on the Internet, united by a single theme, design and address spaces of the domains, providing Users with a WEB interface with the following functionality:
registration on the site;
use of the site;
loading and storing personal data on the website, including test results, extracts from medical records, images, data of laboratory and instrumental studies, epicrisis, etc.;
viewing data about clinics and doctors;
Additional (paid) site services:
organizing a video call to a doctor;
the ability, at the request and choice of the User, to provide access to personal data and downloaded information of the User to other users or Specialists (doctors).
the ability to ask the doctor a question through the website and the official application;
the ability to pay for Additional Services by credit card;
the possibility of communication between doctors (specialists.).
the ability to view the news feed in your personal account, etc.
The service is designed to store information and exchange information and communicate between Users and doctors and other specialists.
Additional services of the site - additional functionality of the services that are part of the Service, the right to use which is provided to the User for a fee, the amount and conditions of which are determined by the Price List located on the Internet at The site administration has the right to change the prices indicated in the Price List.
Site Administrator - The Site Administrator is a limited liability company "Capsula" LLC.
Site User - an individual who voluntarily registered on the Site, who is one of the parties to this Agreement. The user can be a person who has reached the age permissible in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for the acceptance of these Rules, and has the appropriate powers.
Registration is a procedure during which the User provides reliable data about himself according to the form approved by the Site Administrator, as well as the Login and Password. Registration is considered complete only if the User successfully completes all its stages, including activation, carried out by clicking on a unique link sent to the mailing address specified by the User. The activation of this link by the User is the moment of the conclusion of this Agreement between the User and the Site Administrator, that is, the full and unconditional consent of the Parties to the terms of this Agreement.
Login - a unique name (pseudonym) of the User, specified by him during Registration in order to be used to identify the User and used in combination with the Password to gain the User access to the Site Services.
Password - an alphanumeric code specified by the User during Registration, kept by both parties to this Agreement secret from third parties and used in combination with the Login to gain access to the Site Services by the User. The login and password entered by the User are recognized by the Parties as an analogue of the User's handwritten signature.
Personal registration data of the User - data voluntarily provided by the User during the Registration. The data is stored in the database of the Site Administrator and is subject to use only in accordance with this Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Policy on the processing of personal data.
Materials, Content - information in any form (text, audio, video, graphic files, photographic images obtained during communication with doctors (specialists) and other users of the site, as well as any other), used (including stored, distributed, transmitted, etc.) by the User in any form (for example, but not limited to, in the form of a text message, an attached file of any format, links to posting on the network, etc.) within or in connection with the use of the Service and its tools ...
User account (Account) is a password-protected Internet space. Contains information about the user and User generated Content. The account contains the personal and contact information of the User, including but not limited to such as email address and photographs, medical data of the User.
In case of gross violations or by decision of the Site Administration, the User can be blocked and removed from the site.
3.1.1 The Site Administrator has the right to provide the User with access to the Service and Additional Site Services, maintain the Service and Additional Site Services, and tools in working order.
3.1.2 The Site Administrator reserves the right, within the framework of the operation of all Services, to prevent the publication of any Materials that violate this Agreement, as well as to take measures to impose on the User the responsibility provided for in this Agreement and which is within the competence of the Site Administrator.
3.1.3 The Site Administrator has the right to change (moderate) or delete any Content that violates this Agreement, as well as suspend, restrict or terminate the User's access to all or any of the sections or services of the Site with or without prior notice.
3.1.4 The Site Administrator has the right to use (process, etc.) the personal data of the Users specified by the User during registration, in accordance with clause 6 of this Agreement.
3.1.5 The Site Administrator has the right to dispose of statistical information related to the operation of the Site, as well as information of Users to ensure targeted display of advertising information to various audiences of Site Users. For the purposes of organizing the functioning and technical support of the Site and the execution of these Rules, the Site Administrator has the technical ability to access the personal pages of users, which he implements only in cases established by these Rules.
3.1.6 The Site Administrator has the right to send Users by e-mail messages regarding the use of the Site, information about the development of the Site and its services, as well as advertise its own activities and services, as well as send other messages.
3.1.7 The Site Administrator reserves the right at any time to change the design of the Site, its content, the list of services, change or supplement the scripts used, software and other objects used or stored on the Site, any server applications at any time with prior notice or without one.
3.1.8 The Site Administrator has the right to independently set the types and duration of the Additional Site Services.
3.1.9 The Site Administrator has the right to provide technical support to the User on the issues and in the manner specified below.
3.1.10 Technical support in the form of an electronic consultation is provided only at the official request of the User sent to the Service support service at the address of the main page, or using the feedback form posted on the website.
3.1.11 The Site Administrator does not undertake to return or destroy the Materials provided by the User when using any Services.
3.1.12 The Site Administrator has the right to change the terms of the Account provision or terminate it (temporarily or permanently) without prior notice.
3.1.13 The Site Administrator has the right to establish additional restrictions on the use of the Site, as well as change such restrictions at any time.
3.1.14 The Site Administrator has the right to use for his own purposes the materials published by the User on the Site and which are in the public domain, in particular, the development of advertising materials, posting materials on partner sites.
3.1.15 The administrator has the right to publish and use the information contained in impersonal issues, as well as use the data of patients, their medical records, etc. for scientific purposes.
3.2.1 The User has the right to use the Services for free or for a fee, Additional services of the site in ways not prohibited by this Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation for personal purposes that are not associated with the purpose of obtaining commercial benefits.
3.2.2 The User has the right to post Content that does not contradict this Agreement and current legislation.
3.2.3 The User has the right to contact the Site Administrator in order to resolve disputes or for help in using the Site.
3.2.4 When posting Materials on the Service, the User undertakes not to violate the intellectual rights of third parties.
3.2.5 The User undertakes not to provide access to other Users to his own personal page or to certain information contained on it in case this may lead to a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation and / or these Rules, special documents of the Site Administrator.
3.2.6 The User undertakes to inform the Site Administrator about unauthorized access to the personal page and / or about unauthorized access and / or use of the User's password and login.
3.2.7 The user is responsible for storing the password / login and their timely change in case of loss or other need. The user undertakes to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of his personal password to access the Site.
3.2.8 The User undertakes to bear full responsibility for any actions performed by the User using his Account, as well as for any consequences that could or did result from such use.
3.2.9 Before posting information and objects (including, but not limited to, images of other persons, other people's texts of various contents, audio recordings and videos), the user should first assess the legality of their posting and bear full responsibility to the Site and third parties for such actions. If there are doubts about the legality of the implementation of certain actions, including posting information or providing access, the Site Administrator recommends refraining from performing the latter.
3.2.10 The User undertakes to keep confidential and not to provide other Users and third parties with the personal data of other Users and third parties that have become known to him as a result of communication with other Users and other use of the Site without obtaining appropriate prior permission from the latter.
3.2.11 When paying for the possibility of using the Additional services of the site, the User undertakes to follow the payment instructions for the procedure and methods of payment. Providing the User with the opportunity to use the Additional Services of the site is ensured by following the attached instructions and payment terms. The Site Administrator is not responsible for the correctness of the User's compliance with the payment terms. The User agrees that in any case, all financial claims related to the correctness of payments on the Site, the User is obliged to present directly to the organization that received funds from him (Banking structures, when transferring money from credit cards, Payture system http: / /
3.2.12 The User agrees that the moment of providing the opportunity to use the Additional Site Services is considered the moment of activation of a certain Additional Site Service. The User agrees that in the future, the Site Administrator, at the initiative of the User, only provides the technical opportunity to use the Additional Site Services. The funds paid by the User for the use of the Additional Site Services are not returned by the Site Administrator. In case of non-provision or incorrect provision of Additional services of the site, the Administrator of the Site, based on the application of the User, can provide Additional services of the site without re-payment.
3.2.13 The User agrees that the Site Administrator can process the User's personal data after their anonymization in the following way: collect, accumulate, organize, analyze and transfer this information to third parties.
3.2.14 The User is obliged to keep documents confirming his payment for the possibilities of using the Additional Site Services during the entire time of using the Site, while the Site Administrator has the right to request to provide him with such documents, as well as information about the circumstances of such a payment by the User. In case of failure to provide the requested documents by the User within 14 days from the date of payment or if there is any doubt about their authenticity, the Site Administrator has the right to suspend the provision of the User with the opportunity to use the Additional Site Services up to the complete suspension of access to the use of the site until the circumstances are clarified.
3.3.1 The User is prohibited from using all Services for the publication, distribution, storage, transmission in any form (for example, but not limited to, in the form of a text message, an attached file of any format, links to a posting on the network) of Materials that:
are offensive to other Users or other persons or can be regarded as such, as well as materials that discredit Users or other persons, contain threats, calls for violence, committing illegal acts, antisocial, immoral acts, as well as committing any other actions, contradicting the foundations of law and order and morality;
violate the rights and legitimate interests of third parties, contribute to incitement of social, religious, racial, ethnic or interethnic hatred, contain elements of violence, call for violation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and illegal actions, etc.;
cause or may damage the honor, dignity and business reputation of a citizen or the business reputation of an organization;
contain obscene words and expressions;
contain materials of a pornographic nature or hypertext links to Internet sites containing such materials;
contain personal data, including contact information, of other Users or other persons without their prior consent;
violate the rights to the results of intellectual activity and to means of individualization (including copyright, related, patent, etc.) of third parties;
violate the rights of minors;
contribute to the emergence of interest in or distribution of drugs, weapons and ammunition, any form of terrorist, illegal and Nazi activities;
contain information that is not allowed for disclosure (information constituting a state secret, personal data of third parties, information prohibited from disclosure due to the contractual or fiduciary relations of the User, etc.);
directed against other Users;
publicly disseminate personal correspondence of users;
by any means bring to the attention of other Users of the Site any information that discredits, offends, discriminates against, promotes hatred and hostility of any kind towards individual Users of the site;
violate the rules for using any site services;
contain software viruses or other computer codes, programs, files aimed at disrupting the functionality of any computer or telecommunication equipment, their parts, including servers and other components of the network infrastructure and software. The sending of malicious programs is prohibited in any form, including in the form of a complete program code or a part of it, individual files of any format, as well as links to their placement on the network;
contain advertising information unauthorized by the Site Administrator, spam, flooding, "letters of happiness", multilevel marketing schemes, ways of making money on the Internet (including using e-mail), information provoking a "chain reaction" in sending messages to recipients and other similar information, as well as intrusive propaganda of any kind;
aimed at artificially increasing the rating of their own or other Users;
contain an offer to purchase the Goods included in the List of Prohibited Goods for sale on the Site.
contain any other Materials, the distribution, disclosure or other use of which is prohibited or limited by law, this Agreement or for other reasons.
3.3.2 The User is prohibited from connecting and using any software designed to hack or aggregate personal data of other Users, including logins, passwords, etc., as well as to conduct automatic mass mailing of any content, use any automatic or automated means for collecting information posted on the Site.
3.3.3 The user is prohibited from taking actions aimed at misleading someone by assigning himself a false name and deliberately publishing, sending messages or using any other way of using the assigned name illegally, for deliberately causing damage to someone or for any selfish purposes.
3.3.4 Attempts to copy the program code of the Site, attempts to violate the program code of the Site, other attempts to harm the program code of the Site, attempts to inject executable code on the user's side (client scripts: java-script, visual basic-script, etc.) are prohibited, any embedded objects (java applets, flash, etc.), use frames and iframes, cascading style sheets that override those used on the Site, as well as html-code that violates the original design of the page, or commit other illegal actions (sending spam , distribution of illegal materials, etc.). The Site Administrator has the right to refuse the User to use the Site, as well as take other possible measures.
3.3.5 The User is prohibited from collecting personal data of other Users for the purpose of their subsequent processing, i.e. performing actions (operations) with personal data, including their collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), use, distribution (including transfer), depersonalization, blocking and destruction.
3.3.6 The User is prohibited from posting copies of legally protected results of intellectual activity or their parts on the Site if the User does not have the appropriate exclusive or non-exclusive rights to such use.
3.3.7 The User is prohibited from using the Site for any commercial purposes without the prior permission of the Site Administrator.
3.3.10 The User is prohibited from posting any other information that, in the personal opinion of the Site Administrator, is undesirable, does not correspond to the purposes of creating the Site, infringes on the interests of Users or for other reasons is undesirable for posting on the Site.
3.3.11 The User is personally responsible for any information that he posts on the Site and in its sections both through publications and through personal messages to other Users.
3.3.12 The user confirms that he is aware that the site serves only as a platform for communication with doctors and other specialists, the site administration does not provide medical services and is not responsible for the results of communication with doctors and other specialists, as well as for materials posted on the site ...
3.3.13 Consultation between doctor and patient is carried out using the qapsula service. Doctors and patients are prohibited from communicating and indicating their contacts outside the service in the profile. For non-compliance with this paragraph of the rules, liability is provided in the form of blocking the user.
4.1.1 The Site is a platform for posting information that can be used by Site Users and doctors (specialists) at their own discretion. The Site Administrator is not responsible for its accuracy and relevance, as well as any actions taken by the Users based on the information received.
4.1.2 Since the identification of users of Internet sites is difficult for technical reasons, the Site Administrator is not responsible for the fact that registered users are really the people they claim to be, and is not responsible for any damage caused to other users for this reason.
4.1.3 The Site Administrator is under no circumstances responsible for the content of Materials published, sent by the User or received from other Users, as well as the results of communication between Users, between Users and doctors (specialists). The Site Administrator provides the technical ability to use it by the Users, does not participate in the formation of the content of the Users' personal pages, forums and blogs and does not control and is not responsible for the actions or inaction of any persons in relation to the use of the Site.
4.1.4 The Site Administrator does not undertake to control the content of the Materials, the process and results of communication with users, doctors (specialists) and under no circumstances is he responsible for their compliance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as for possible violation of the rights of third parties in connection with the use of Service.
4.1.5 Recommendations and opinions about health and medicine published on the website or obtained in communication with doctors (specialists) are not the provision of medical services or consultations, do not replace qualified medical care, are for informational purposes only and do not replace the need to see a doctor ( doctor or ambulance service). The information on the Site is not intended and insufficient for self-diagnosis and prescription of medication or other treatment. The Site Administrator does not provide medical advice or diagnosis, and is not responsible for the accuracy of the information received when using the site and communication organized through the site. The site does not recommend the opinions of the authors and may not share the opinions of the authors. The Site does not recommend any doctors, or clinics, or medicines mentioned on the Site, or links that are posted on the Site.
4.1.6 The site and its services, including all scripts, applications, content and site design are supplied as is. The Site Administrator disclaims any guarantees that the site or its services may or may not be suitable for specific purposes of use. The Site Administrator cannot guarantee and does not promise any specific results from the use of the Site and (or) its services. This means that the Site Administrator:
does not guarantee the absence of errors in the operation of the Service;
is not responsible for its uninterrupted operation, their compatibility with the software and technical means of the User and other persons;
is not responsible for the loss of Materials or for causing any losses that have arisen or may arise in connection with or while using the Service;
is not responsible for any distortion, alteration, optical illusion of images, photo, video and other Materials of the User, which may occur or is produced when using the Service, even if it causes ridicule, scandal, condemnation or disdain;
is not responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of its obligations due to failures in telecommunication and energy networks, actions of malicious programs, as well as unfair actions of third parties aimed at unauthorized access and / or disabling the software and / or hardware complex of the Site Administrator.
4.1.7 The Site Administrator does not bear any responsibility or any obligations for causing any damage or losses incurred as a result of the interaction of Users with advertisers when accessing advertisements posted on the Site. In these cases, all conflict situations are resolved directly between the advertiser (performer) of such services and the User on their own. At the same time, the Site Administrator convincingly asks Users to report such situations in order to prevent their recurrence in the future by posting information from such advertisers on the Site.
4.1.8 Under no circumstances will the Site Administrator or his representatives be liable to Users or to any third parties for any losses, including possible damage, as well as loss of profits and damage caused by violation of personal non-property rights obtained as a result of using the Site. Such damage applies directly to the User, and in the case of third parties, it is the responsibility of the User who used the data obtained through the Site and violated the rights of third parties. The Site Administrator has the right to warn or point out the possibility of such harm in individual cases. An exception can only be cases of gross deliberate violation by the Site Administrator of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens by placing the Administrator on the Site of information defaming the honor and business reputation of specific citizens / groups of citizens.
4.1.9. The Site Administrator does not bear any responsibility or any obligations for causing any damage or losses incurred as a result of communication with doctors (specialists) organized through the site.
4.1.10. Adverse Event Monitoring: Qapsula is required to report any suspected drug-related adverse reactions, in accordance with national requirements, through the government's spontaneous reporting system to the Federal Healthcare Surveillance Service. Safety information can also be provided to the Pharmacosafety group of pharmaceutical companies.
4.2.1 The user is fully responsible for the accuracy, relevance, completeness and compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation of the information provided on the Site and its purity from third-party claims. The Site Administrator is not responsible for the content, reliability and accuracy of registration data and materials published by Users.
4.2.2 The user is aware that the materials posted on the site may contain information intended for users over 16 years old in accordance with the Federal Law No. 436-FZ of December 29, 2010 "On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development", and is fully responsible for its legal capacity to use the Site.
4.2.3 By joining this Agreement, the User understands, accepts and agrees that he:
bears full personal responsibility for the content and compliance with the norms of Russian and international legislation of all Materials, including all texts, programs, sounds, photographs, graphics, videos, etc .;
bears full personal responsibility for the compliance of the ways he uses the Materials of other Users and other information presented on the Service with the norms of Russian or international law (including, but not limited to, the norms of intellectual property and information protection);
bears full responsibility for the safety of his account (username and password), as well as for all actions performed under his account;
uses the Service at its own risk.
4.2.4 The Site Administrator reserves the right to delete messages and user comments, as well as terminate the User's access to the Service and Additional Site Services (including by blocking access to the Service from the IP address from which the User was registered / posted the largest number of Materials of this User) and (or) transfer Materials confirming the illegal actions of the User, for taking action to law enforcement agencies, in the following cases:
violation by the User of any of the terms of this Agreement or the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
unauthorized by the Administrator of the Site, the creation of a diary by the User on behalf of a legal entity for conducting or supporting commercial activities;
based on numerous complaints from users of the Site;
in any other cases, if the Site Administrator has reasons to consider the User's presence on the Site dangerous or inconvenient for other Users and the Site;
in the case of creating a diary solely for participating in voting and increasing the number of votes cast for other users in ratings, polls, polls, etc.
4.2.5 The User agrees that the restriction or termination of access to the Site, as well as the deletion of all registration and other data of the User can occur at any time without explanations and notifications, without the responsibility of the Site Administrator for possible damage caused by these actions to the Users.
4.2.6 The User agrees to reimburse the Site Administrator for any losses incurred by the Site Administrator in connection with the User's use of the Service, violation by the User of this Agreement and the rights (including intellectual, informational, etc.) of third parties.
4.2.7 The User acknowledges and agrees that the IP address of the User's personal computer, as well as other information available via the HTTP protocol, is recorded by the technical means of the Site Administrator, and in the event of illegal actions, including actions that violate the intellectual rights of third parties, responsible for these illegal actions are recognized as the owner of a personal computer determined by the technical means of the Site Administrator.
4.3.1 The User is personally responsible for any Content or other information that he uploads or otherwise brings to the public (publishes) on the Site or with its help. The user does not have the right to upload, transfer or publish Content on the Site if he does not have the appropriate rights to perform such actions, acquired or transferred to him in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3.2 In case of making claims to the Site Administrator regarding any objects posted on the Site by Site Users or other persons, if, in accordance with this Agreement, the Site Administrator is not responsible for them, the Site Administrator has the right, at his discretion, to remove any controversial objects and involve Site User to resolve the dispute.
4.3.3 In the event of any claims, claims, claims against the Site Administrator from persons claiming to own copyright to objects posted by Users on the Site, the Site User who posted the controversial content undertakes to independently resolve the conflict, and, if necessary, provide the Administrator Site the necessary assistance and take part in resolving the conflict that has arisen, including in the consideration of such claims in judicial and administrative authorities.
4.3.4 If the Site Administrator is brought to administrative, civil or other liability and sanctions are imposed on him for non-compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and / or violation of the rights of third parties to objects posted by Users on the Site, the Site User is obliged to fully compensate for the size similar sanctions (fines), losses, etc. imposed on the Site Administrator.
4.3.5 The Site Administrator may, but is not obliged to, view the Site for prohibited Content and may, at its sole discretion, delete or move (without warning) any User Content at its sole discretion, for any reason or no reason, including without any restrictions moving or removal of Content that, in the personal opinion of the Site Administrator, violates these Rules, the legislation of the Russian Federation and / or may violate the rights, harm or threaten the safety of other Users or third parties.
4.4.1 The site may contain advertisements and links to other sites on the Internet (third party sites) as well as articles, photographs, illustrations, graphics, music, sounds, videos, information, applications, programs and other Content owned by or coming from third parties (Third Party Content), the ability to communicate with doctors (specialists), also equated to third parties, which is the result of intellectual activity and protected in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.4.2 These third parties and their Content are not checked by the Site Administrator for compliance with certain requirements (accuracy, completeness, conscientiousness, etc.). The Site Administrator is not responsible for any information posted on third-party sites to which the User gains access through the Site or through third-party Content, including, but not limited to, any opinions or statements expressed on third-party sites or in their Content.
4.4.3 In case of any claims regarding Content that does not belong to the Site Administrator, the User has the right to contact the owner of the disputed Content directly to resolve the dispute.
4.4.4 A link to any site, product, service, any information of a commercial or non-commercial nature posted on the Site does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of these products (services) by the Site Administrator. The site is not responsible for the completeness and accuracy of information in articles and advertisements posted on the Site.
4.4.5 If the User decides to leave the Site and go to the sites of third parties, he does so at his own risk and from that moment these Rules no longer apply to the User. In further actions, the User should be guided by the applicable rules and policies, including the business customs of those persons whose Content he intends to use.
4.4.6 The site contains banner, contextual and other advertising. The Site Administrator is not responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in advertisements and other announcements.
4.4.7 The site is not responsible for information considered by third parties as information defaming the honor and dignity of an individual, damaging the reputation of a legal entity and (or) being libel.
4.4.8 The information contained in the messages of the Users, as well as disseminated when communicating with the Specialists (doctors), under no circumstances can be verified by the Site Administrator for compliance with reality, cannot be qualified as defaming the honor and dignity of an individual, damaging the reputation of a legal entity and / or as defamatory. The competent authority to clarify these factual circumstances and the legal qualification of the case is the court.
4.4.9 If the content of the Site created by the Users is considered by a third party as information defaming the honor and dignity of an individual, damaging the reputation of a legal entity and (or) as defamation, such a third party has the right to file a corresponding claim in court in accordance with stipulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The proper defendant in such claims is solely the Users who posted the relevant content. Copying site materials is allowed only for non-commercial purposes with a mandatory link to our site:
5.1 The site is intended for personal, non-commercial use by Users. Copying any part of the content of the Site is allowed only for personal use by the User, provided that a link is made to the Site
5.2 Illegal use of those specified in clause 5.1. of this Agreement of intellectual property objects entails civil, administrative and criminal liability.
5.3 Trademarks, logos, commercial names, other ways of individualizing legal entities, any texts, images, other objects of copyright posted on the Site are the property of the Site or other copyright holders, the rights to which are protected by law. It is forbidden to use these objects without the consent of the copyright holders. A user who has violated the prohibition set out above may be denied to use the Site.
5.4 The Site Administrator is not responsible for the content containing the results of intellectual activity (including but not limited to literary, musical, audiovisual works and phonograms, graphic and design works, trademarks, photographic works, computer programs) created and / or posted by Users Site and other persons independently without the direct participation of the Site Administrator.
5.5 Service, its constituents and individual components (including but not limited to: computer programs, databases, codes, underlying know-how, algorithms, design elements, fonts, logos, as well as text, graphic and other materials) are objects of intellectual property, protected in accordance with applicable law, any use of which is allowed only on the basis of the written permission of the Site Administrator. The specified components of the Service may not be used as part of other sites, software products, search engines, other works and objects of related rights, copied or otherwise used in order to obtain material benefit. Illegal use of these objects of intellectual property may entail civil, administrative and (or) criminal liability.
5.8 By posting his Content on the Site, the User gives the Site Administrator the full right to make copies of his Content in order to streamline and facilitate the publication and storage of User Content on the Site, as well as perform other actions. If the User deletes his Content from the Site, the Site Administrator has the right to keep archived copies of the User Content for an indefinite period for the purpose of execution within the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation or in order to collect statistical data.
6.1 When registering a personal Account, the User gives the Site Administrator his informed consent to the processing of personal data i.e. to perform the actions provided for in clause 3. Part 1. Article 3 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152 FZ "On Personal Data", in relation to personal data provided by the User.
6.2 The processing of the User's personal data is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Policy on personal data and Consent to the processing of personal data of the Site User.
6.3 The Site Administrator takes all necessary measures to protect the User's personal data from unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction.
6.4 The Site Administrator has the right to use the information provided by the User, including personal data, in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation (including in order to prevent and / or suppress illegal and / or illegal actions of Users). The disclosure of the information provided by the User can be made only in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation at the request of the court, law enforcement agencies, as well as in other cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
6.5. If the User publishes information about himself in the area of the Site that is open to other Users (for example, asks a question to a consultant, places it on his page in the public domain), thereby the User agrees to disclose such information and the Site Administrator is not responsible for dissemination of this information.
6.6. If the User provides access to information about himself to other users, Professionals, doctors, thereby the User expresses his consent to the disclosure of such information and the Site Administrator is not responsible for the preservation and content of such information.
7.1 Any questions, comments and other correspondence of the User should be sent to the Site Administrator through the feedback form at The Site Administrator is not responsible and does not guarantee a response to inquiries, questions, suggestions and other information sent to him in any other way ...
7.2 The User and the Site Administrator agree that all disputes between the Parties will be resolved through negotiations. If it is impossible to resolve disputes through negotiations, disputes are resolved by the parties in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and are considered at the location of the Site Administrator, subject to the mandatory pre-trial claim procedure for resolving the dispute.
8.1 This edition of the User Agreement replaces all previous agreements between the User and the Site Administrator.
8.2 This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation. Issues not regulated by the Agreement are subject to resolution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
8.3 If the User does not use the Services within 30 calendar days, as well as if the User violates the terms of this Agreement, the Site Administrator has the right to terminate the User's login and password.
8.4 This Agreement under no circumstances can be interpreted as an agreement on the establishment of agency relations, the provision of medical services, partnership relations, joint activity relations, personal employment relations, or any other relations between the User and the Site Administrator not directly specified in this Agreement.
8.5 If, for one reason or another, one or more of the provisions of this Agreement are declared invalid or unenforceable, this does not affect the validity or applicability of the remaining provisions.